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BrightHire is an AI-powered interview platform that helps hiring teams save time, make better hiring decisions, and deliver an exceptional candidate experience.

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3rd Party Integration


BrightHire is the leading interview intelligence platform that helps hiring teams work smarter, not harder: saving time, improving interview quality, and making better, faster hiring decisions. 

BrightHire seamlessly records, transcribes, and writes AI-powered interview notes from phone and video interviews, so you can completely focus on the candidate. We even show you what interview questions to ask, so interviewers can always stay on track.

After each interview, BrightHire automatically converts conversations into AI-powered notes to help interviewers save time and provide feedback faster. We give you the tools you need to make great hiring decisions faster, like candidate scoring for quick calibration and AI-powered highlights that are shareable and comparable.

And with our actionable interview insights and automated coaching, hiring teams can continuously level up their skills and improve their interviews.

BrightHire is built on top of the tools you already use – like Zoom, Meet, Teams, and Slack, to name a few – so interviewers can stay in their workflow.


Connect your Workable and BrightHire accounts to seamlessly:

  • Schedule and launch interviews in Workable
  • Get AI-powered notes that free you up to focus 100% on candidates and provide great feedback in half the time
  • Access recordings, transcriptions, and notes for every interview in Workable
  • Unlock new insights that transform your hiring process

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