kariera.gr, a Best Workplace for 2020, was co-founded in 1997 by a group of particularly young people. Our primary aim was to provide crucial information and news concerning the labour market to other young people and students who were looking for a job. In the years that followed, the company set the basis for its development and transformation to a flexible and fast growing organization by providing new career services. kariera.gr is the leading online recruitment site in Greece.
Post jobs directly to Kariera from within Workable.
Jobbguru is one of Sweden's largest companies within internet-based recruitment industry.
BestJobs is one of the top online recruitment platforms in Romania.
Trade Me Jobs is one of the biggest job portals in NZ and we help millions of Kiwi's along their career journey. We have jobs for people looking to work from home, and work full or part time. Use the platform to find jobs across hospitality, healthcare, construction, education, agriculture and more.
emedcareers helps organisations source some of the most specialist medical candidates in the UK and further afield.