VidCruiter makes your job easier. Our HR tech software significantly reduces time-to-hire and helps you find better qualified applicants all while improving the candidate experience. We use Recruitment Process Modelling to digitize and customize the workflow so it mirrors your existing recruiting process—then enhances it. You’ll be online in no time.
By connecting Workable and your VidCruiter account, you will be able to send video interviews to the candidates directly from their profile in Workable. After the candidate completes the interview, you’ll receive a notification and you and your team will be able to access the video from the candidate’s timeline in Workable.
Rethink. Recruit.
Make selection more efficient and human with one-way video interviews
myInterview is a video interview platform that enables you to get insight into candidates' personalities and reduce time to hire. Send custom video interview templates to candidates who will record responses and send them back to you.
Jobma is a recruiting platform specializing in video interviewing.